Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The West Desert

The West Desert

Dry.  Lonely.  Dead.

If you don't dare to dig a little deeper and actually jump into the desert, that may be what you think of the West Desert in Box Elder County.

Digging just a little bit will show you the vast amounts of beauty this place has to offer.

Even though it is a desert, there is still water.   Here is a picture of the Great Salt Lake at sunset.  It was taken in the winter. Many broken pieces of ice floating at the water's edge.  

With blue skies, the desert flowers blooming and the bright orange lichen growing on the rocks it makes the desert a remarkably colorful place.  

But of course we would never make it there without of trusted choice of transportation:

Igloo Sportsman Cooler

With our trips getting longer we were looking for a cooler up to the task of keeping our food cold for up to 5 days without replacing the ice daily. After looking over all of our options in our price range we decided to try out the relatively new Igloo sportsman cooler. For around $200 at Sams in A Desert tan color or White, It was a bargain compared to the other brands. I was alittle worried it would not perform as well as the other brands. I was wrong. I freeze about 12 bottles of water and line the bottom of the cooler, This eliminates water getting into our food. Then the last thing i put into the cooler is a Arctic ice Tundra freezer pack. Warning, Anything you put in direct contact with the Tundra will freeze. My frozen water bottles lasted 5 days before thawing and i did not have to replace with ice until day seven.